Just Worship

Worship AgainImage via Wikipedia
Him who overcomes I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will he leave it. I will write on him the name of my God...
Revelation 3:12

I love it when God drops scripture into my spirit and suddenly everything becomes clear. At such times it seems like His Word knocks stuff out of the way, blockages are cleared and stuff starts flowing again. The Psalmist says, "The revelation of Your Word brings light..." Psalm 119:130.

 This is what happened to me last night. I came to God in need of refreshment and strength, and as I gave myself in worship He dropped this scripture from Revelation suddenly and clearly into my spirit. That was all I needed. An assurance that He sees the things I need to overcome, He is with me in them. I was in that "I'm just going to worship" mode, and He showed me that when I have overcome all this stuff that is Christian struggle and sacrifice, He will allow me to stay in that place of worship for ever and ever.

I'm not sure what being a pillar in the temple of God means yet, but I know that a pillar is an important part of a building. It cannot be removed, it is vital, permanent. This world is not our final destination but  we are created to take a place in the temple of God. And that is His promise to us! We are being built into the very temple where joyful worship will continue for ever and ever. Come to Him today and just worship. Let Him show you where you are headed when you are done overcoming. Blessings and encouragement to you all.


Pietro Brosio said…
We are created to take a place in the temple of God: it's so true. And the bliss will be endless.
Steve said…
Thank you for this inspiring thought.
Anonymous said…
Great post, Mike.
You know, as I read this I was reminded that a pillar has strength. And along with strength given us by the Holy Spirit we will be given, too, the gift of courage. Our immortal soul is a temple. And in that temple we have a number of pillars. We just need to be sure we are taking responsibility for its "maintenance." Thank you for this reflection, Mike! Cathy

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