Skywatch #104

Hovering September, originally uploaded by duopastorale.

It's only mid September but already the light is warm and the air is clear! I love it. Today I walked on the Heath and picked warm blackberries as I went. The sky was filled with amazing cloud paintings.


Photo Cache said…
this is a beautiful september day. looks like a nice send off by summer eh?
Pat said…
Lovely shot of a nice September sky! Our wild blackberries were finished by mid-August. They were delicious, as I'm sure yours were.
Wanda said…
Lovely scenery.
Lindy said…
That must have been a most enjoyable walk, pleasing to all the senses.
Schotzy said…
September skies are about my favoriotes... this one surely is! God is such a master artist!
Pietro Brosio said…
Very nice image! September has often a very pleasant weather!
Barbara said…
Love the Mick. daisies in the foreground - so vivid. Enjoyed the Blackberry season too picking two and three quarter pounds yesterday at my local park at top of the street.