
Shipwreck, Beach Near Lake Sijung, North KoreaImage by yeowatzup via Flickr

Thou shalt guide me
Psalm 73:24

If you want to avoid shipwreck, study Acts 27 carefully. First, they were dissatisfied with where they were. Listen; "Since the harbour was unsuitable...the majority decided that we should sail on" (Acts 27:12). God doesn't guide us by "dissatisfaction" or by "opinion polls," He guides us by His Spirit. (Romans 8:14). When things get difficult, you're called to overcome them, not try to escaped them. Next, they were impatient to get where they were going. Sound familiar? I don't know of a single Scripture that tells us to hurry up or we'll miss God. Israel learned that when the cloud moves, you move. But when the cloud stops, stay where you are and wait on God.

Then they failed to heed the Word; listen: "The centurion was more persuaded by the Paul" (Acts 27:11). Be careful, if you look long enough, you'll find someone whose opinion confirms what you want to do. that's a dangerous place to be. Finally, they looked to the circumstances, instead of God, to guide them. (Acts 27:13) The idea that circumstances will always line up favourably with God's guidance is not scriptural. God often leads through the wilderness and He'll never lead you anywhere that doesn't require His provision and protection. If you can get there without God - He didn't send you.

Used with permission from UCB Word for Today. Free issues are available here for the UK and Republic of Ireland.

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I guess the issue of guidance is a difficult one and riddled with contradictions. Listening to the leading of the Spirit, watching circumstances, exercising discernment, wisdom etc etc etc. Sometimes, perhaps often we get it wrong, but I take comfort that if we continually seek after God he will lead us safely, even though the road may have many turns and dangers.
Steve said…
Another thought provoking post. Thank you!
Pietro Brosio said…
It's so true. God is beyond any difficulty or danger.
Lisa said…
Amazing - I really enjoyed this post.
Lynda Alsford said…
Only just read this and it is very helpful. Thank you for posting it Mike. It speaks directly to what is going on in my life now. It confirms I am right to wait on God's leading and simply rest in Him in the meantime. Blessings to you.