Joseph Principles

Forget me notImage by randihausken via Flickr

'...God has made me forget...'
Genesis 41:51

Joseph was thirty when he became governor of Egypt. He was seventeen when he was sold into slavery. For thirteen years he dealt with pain and confusion, maintained his character and his commitment to God, and allowed his trials to make him triumphant. So you can't just throw in the towel, have a pity party, or sit around doing nothing. Joseph didn't simply forget what happened. Anybody who tells you, 'Just forget it' isn't living in the real world. It happened, but God can use it to enrich your life. God gave Joseph two sons: he named them Manasseh, which means 'God has made me forget,' and Ephraim, which means 'God made me fruitful in the land of my afflictions.' God gave Joseph new relationships to replace the old ones.

One reason why old relationships may be destroying you is that you haven't replaced them with new ones. You're hanging out with the wrong reminders. God helped Joseph to forget the pain of what happened. He still had the memory, but he prospered in spite of it. When you walk with God, the promise before you is always greater than the pain behind you. But here are some 'Joseph principles' you need to live by:

1) Don't try to ignore or pretend it never happened. God will give you the grace to handle it, not deny it
2) Believe that God can 'make up to you' the time, the relationships and the opportunities you've lost 'So I will restore to you the years that the...locust has eaten...' (Joel 2:25 NKJV)
3) List the people who've wronged you, forgive them and release them to God in prayer '...and forgiving one another...' (Colossians 3:13 NJKV)
4) Tell God you're ready to start over. And start today!

Used with permission from UCB Word for Today. Free issues are available here for the UK and Republic of Ireland.

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the promise before you is always greater than the pain behind you. This is a great message to go into the new year with! Sometimes it takes great courage to keep moving forward into the unknown and also to trust that the things He wants me to let go of are really not good for me.. But he is the God who restores! I believe that!!
Anonymous said…
Thank you, Mike. That's the best New Year post I have read so far. Tears fill my eyes...tears of joy. This is exactly what GOD wants me to hear and know as I press on into the NEW YEAR. Much blessings,

Sue said…
Thanks Mike, that was a good message for me to read.
Lindy said…
Thank you for posting this. I needed to hear it/read it.
Just Be Real said…
Thought provoking. So true about replacing old relationships with new. To have new mind set. Thank you Mike for this enlightening post. Blessings to you and yours!
Pietro Brosio said…
Often we do not know the way, but God knows it. And, it's true what you say: he is the God who restores.
Steve said…
I like the point about releasing those who have wronged or hurt you by forgiving them. We all need to do that at some point in our lives.
When you think what Joseph had to forgive his brothers for our petty hurts pale into insignificance.
SandyCarlson said…
So well said. We need to accept life and live it here and now. With grace.
A wonderful lesson to be learned. Thank you! Cathy
Regina said…
Beutiful message to start the year.
Thank you for sharing!


Abbey's Road said…
Reading this tonight is very timely for me. I a at a crossroads and I feel I know which road to take, but am so unsure of what God wants me to do. The words of wisdom always come easily when I am counseling a friend or loved one, but I am hitting a wall where it concerns me. Obviously, I have more to think about.

Blessings, Mike,
photowannabe said…
I definitely believe that God restores the years the locust have eaten. There is a lot to be said for forgivness.