Today I Choose

Today - Brian Doerksen

Today I choose to follow you
Today I choose to give my yes to you
Today I choose to hear your voice and live
Today I choose to follow you

As for me and my house
we will serve you
as for me and my house
we will spend our lives on you

Wonderful Counsellor , Everlasting Father
Eternal King , Lord of hosts
Willingly we follow

But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.
Joshua 24:15

God is always gracious to give us today to choose Him. Today, I want to choose Him. My heart is prone to wander and fret but where else can I go? I give up looking for peace where it can't be found. I surrender. I turn. I say Yes. Today. Now.



Not always easy to say! Thank you, Mike!

Regina said…
Amen! I choose Him forever!
Pat said…
Great blog! I'm glad I found you. Praise the Lord.
Semper Eadem said…
It would be really nice if you could put our blog on your blogroll:
SandyCarlson said…
A gorgeous post, Mike. So right. Thanks.
Wanda said…
I'm so glad He chose me, and I chose Him back,

Thanks for your prayers and love, Mike.
Pietro Brosio said…
Jesus is with us till the end of time.
Barbara said…
I have C.D's of Brian but have not seen him on video before.