Skywatch #69

Budva, originally uploaded by duopastorale.

Here's another photo from my recent trip to Montenegro. Lots of blue sky all round in this part of the world :) This is the town of Budva and taken from the town walls. The photo has had a little treatment from Tiltshiftmaker. Enjoy your weekend!


SandyCarlson said…
Those are wonderful, vivid colors. The architecture is wonderful, Mike. I like the way you highlighted it.
Elisabeth said…
Great color!!! Thanks for sharing.
Mo said…
This is lovely. Reminds me of Dubrovnik
What exquisite colors!!!! Cathy
Regina said…
Wow. This is wonderful. I love the colors. Excellent.
Anonymous said…
Intersting effects, looks like a model. Great colours!
Beautiful combination of the rich orange-terracotta and that beautiful blue sky!
Sylvia K said…
Marvelous shot, Mike! Good to see you back! Love the vivid colors and the way you've highlighted them!

Have a great weekend!

Pietro Brosio said…
Looks like a dream!
Picturesque landscape, with all those attractive red roofs!
Photo Cache said…
Neat shot and fancy editing.
Pat said…
I love the bright orange roofs and the brilliant blues. The buildings look almost like toy houses.
Valerie said…
Wow - That is a really cool effect! I agree the colors are beautiful. Does the process do anything to make the colors stand out more? It looks so very interesting!