Taste & See

HoneycombImage by justus.thane via Flickr

Taste and see that the LORD is good. How happy is the man who takes refuge in Him!
Psalm 34:8

In our Sunday service this week someone shared a picture of a honeycomb, and after a while this verse from the Psalms was spoken as an interpretation. The word that jumped out for me was GOOD. Our God is a GOOD God. Sometimes our enemy will try and convince us that He is not good, that all He wants to do is punish us and spoil our fun. But the Bible consistently tells us that He is good and His love endures forever 1 Chronicles 16:34 . Having a Father who is perfectly good and who wants the best for us is a wonderful comfort but sometimes His goodness will cause Him to discipline us in order to bring us back on track. Discipline is painful and not pleasant but results in life for he who is trained by it Proverbs 23:13. Let's be encouraged to submit to our Heavenly Father in the sure confidence that He is good and that 'Father knows best'.

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There is something exquisite about the construction of the honey comb! I was just thinking of the beauty we must emanate as ones loved and created in the image and likeness of God. Though not perfect, we must be exquisite in His eyes. He is so good! Cathy
Barbara said…
Honey is mentioned so much in the Bible. I just love that felling of biting into a piece of honeycomb even though it always sticks to ones teeth.
Steve said…
Another good message. Well worth reminding us.
Wanda said…
That was a really "Sweet" and inspirational post.

I love to buy a jar of honey that has the comb in it.

Thanks Mike.
Mike, you've been awarded the Arte y Pico Award! Stop by my blog for more info.
TMM said…
I just love that verse . Thanks

Andrea said…
Honey is very good for us. And so is God's word. Thanks for your inspiring posts.
Gudl said…
Yes, the Lord is good.
Good reminder!
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