Skywatch #19

Royal Skywatch, originally uploaded by duopastorale.

After my last post, here is a different view of the hall that I thought would be a good Skywatch.


imac said…
Beautiful capture of the building also the sky.
Pietro Brosio said…
I enjoy very much this picture!
Beautiful the sky, the building, the blue reflections on the windows.
I remember with great pleasure my Proms when I was in London many years ago!
Happy Sky Watch!
A fantastic composition!

Beautiful building!

Have a happy weekend!
Paulie said…
Gorgeous sky and clouds and beautiful angle for the photo!
Tom said…
A delightful Sky Watch...

Please forgive this 'copy & paste' part of my comment but I am on my rounds checking all the links but wanted you to know I have seen your post and will try to get back again.
On behalf of all other Sky Watchers the team thank you for taking part this week.

Wanda said…
What a beautiful building, inside and out... and that sky just adds a bit more luster.
zakscloset said…
woooow! very beautiful!!! what an amazing shot!! looks like a professional postcard!
SandyCarlson said…
Thanks for yet another brilliant photo that tells so many stories!
Leora said…
Lovely photo of an architecturally-interesting building.
Very nice composition and all in this picture. Nice strong colors on your hall and sky.
Pat - Arkansas said…
Your photo is altogether beautiful; in subject, color, and composition. Well done. Lovely Sky Watch!