Royal Albert Hall

Royal Albert Hall, originally uploaded by duopastorale.

It's official! The BBC Proms have begun. Last Friday night began with a wonderful concert of Mozart's oboe concerto and those scrumptious Four Last Songs by Richard Strauss. On Saturday I went to hear Nigel Kennedy play Elgar's Violin Concerto, and last night I was taken by fellow chorister to hear the Tallis Scholars perform masses by Obrecht and Josquin de Prez, at the late night event starting at 10pm. It was a truly wonderful sound reverberating around the Albert Hall. Listen here to the whole concert!

Fortunately for me, the Albert Hall is but a drive away and after the concert we whisked through the streets of London and were home in just half an hour. A great start to the Summer.


Paulie said…
Sounds wonderful to me! We have concerts in the park each Thursday night and some at noon also. Ours are free tho.
Suz. said…
Sounds inspiring! I agree--a wonderful start to the summer!
Stanley said…
It sounds awesome! Its great that you're so accesible to that place, can't imagine the amount of concerts you can attend!

Btw, thanks so much for dropping by my site =)
zakscloset said…
aaaagh!!! what a beautiful place! i definitely want to go check it out before i leave the uk... and i am so jealous that you live right by it. when's your next dinner party!?!?? :^P
Angie said…
Lucky duck!

Sounds and looks wonderful!
imac said…
Ahh lucky man. we saw and heard the folk night (1st this yr) on TV and it went very well.
ChrisJ said…
Have you ever heard the King's Singers? Fabulous a capella male sextet, started in the late 60's out of King's College originally. They're the best there is.
Barbara said…
so while you were actually there, I was watching on TV. Interesting and unusual musician.