Failure Is Not Final

DespairImage by fakelvis via Flickr

For though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again.Proverbs 24:16

I’m told that successful people fail two out of every five times they attempt something, whereas unsuccessful people fail three out of every five times. That’s not a lot of difference is it? We all fail at something every day. The only people who don’t are dead. Some of us are so afraid of failing that we try and ‘tiptoe’ safely to the grave, without blowing it somewhere along the way. Why is it that failure destroys some of us, yet others thrive and become stronger because of it? The secret is that they turn their failure into their teacher and their greatest defeats into learning experiences.

What do you believe God has called you to do with your life? Step out in faith and try it! God said He would strengthen and uphold you. (Isaiah 41:10) You can’t do better than that! Recently I read these inspiring words: “I’d rather be ashes than dust. I’d rather my spark burn out than it should be stifled by dry rot. The proper function of my life is to live, not exist. So I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use every moment.” Can you say that? Charles Kettering said, “Virtually nothing comes out right the first time. Repeated failures are just finger posts on the road to success.”

Copied from UCB Word for Today. Free issues are available here for the UK and Republic of Ireland.


Susan said…
Grand post as always!!!! So, so true!!Susan
I learned of a young lady this weekend, though she is smart, has no self confidence. She is failing because she has no confidence in herself. Though family and friends have encouraged and tried to bolster her confidence she is barely "treading water." She professes her faith in God and the works of the Spirit but for some reason she can't "Let go and Let God." Pray for her intention. Thanks for this MIKE!! Cathy
Andrea said…
Wonderful post and so true. We do all fail from time to time. We just have to get up, dust ourselves off and try again. Good advice. I always enjoy your encouraging posts.
Shosannah said…
Thanks for the inspiration Mike! Great to see you back :0)
I hope you had a relaxing break.
By the way I have a giveaway going over at my blog, come over and take a look!
zakscloset said…
this is such an encouraging post! i was just feeling like i am going to fail my dissertation!! :^O
Anonymous said…
Thank you, Mike. That helped me
Pietro Brosio said…
Really a great post, Mike.
Paulie said…
Good advice for all of us.
Steve said…
Encouraging message. Thank you.
Fail big and fail with faith, if you have to. That's what I say!
Debbie365 said…
Thank you, Mike. This is so true. Fear of failure holds so many of us back from accomplishing great things. It is said, if you are not failing at something, then you must not be doing anything.