Treasures of Darkness

scan0012frame, originally uploaded by duopastorale.


TMM said…
So many people live and think like God is a machine or a wall without any feelings...Contrary to the view of tradition...having emotions isn't being unmanly. God cries, He weeps, He groans....He has emotions...Thanks for this post, Mike. =)

Shosannah said…
Praise be to God.
So beautiful.
I could read that again and again.
Shosannah said…
By the way congrats on winning the
"Mathetes Award" :0D
Check out my site for details.
TMM said…'re being awarded left and right...=) God be praised for your work for Him! Don't stop, keep being spent for Him!
Susan Skitt said…
Yes, Christ will be with those who know him as Savior, always! Through it all!