I lay my requests before you and wait... We wait in hope for the LORD...
Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.
Ps. 5:3, Ps. 33:20, Ps. 27:14
Ps. 5:3, Ps. 33:20, Ps. 27:14
I sometimes get frustrated with God. I want answers, and I want them now! The Bible is just so full of exhortations to wait. Is it because God needs to teach us a lesson because we have misbehaved and he is punishing us? Perhaps I want things that are not good for me and God is saying 'hold on, the time is not right'. Today I believe that God is telling us to wait in peace. Just sit down and let things be. It is in the waiting that we might discover to savour things a little. If we stop panicking about the tide not coming in then we might look up and see the beautiful sunset.