Moving Home

Moving Home, originally uploaded by Drown.

You...enlarged me when I was in distress.
Psalms 4:1

Did you know that the hermit crab looks for a shell that fits him, then lives in it 'til he outgrows it' After that he has to scurry along the ocean floor and find a bigger one; it's a process that repeats itself throughout his entire life. Are there things in your life that no longer fit you but you can't let go just because it's easy and familiar? David said, 'You...freed me when I was hemmed in and enlarged me when I was in distress.' To really grow in God you've got to be willing to get out of your comfort zone and deal with a little 'distress'. What worked for you yesterday may not work today. Maybe it's a club you've outgrown, a relationship you need to think about or a behaviour you need to change. Whatever it is, never become so 'settled' that you can't let go and move on when you need to. Sometimes it's good to be patient and see things through but there are times when those things are holding you back because you've outgrown them. Instead of hanging in and trying harder, at certain points you have to stop and ask yourself, 'Is this situation good for me'? If you're not sure, ask God for 'an understanding mind [to]...know the difference between...right and...wrong' 1 Kings 3:9. (His Word says, 'If you need wisdom...ask [Him], and He will [gladly] give it to you' James 1:5. (When God says it's time to move on, it's because there's another shell out there that will fit you even better but you can't live in the new until you leave the old one. So how about it; are you ready for bigger things?

Excerpt from UCB Word for Today. Free issues are available here.


Josiah said…
i'm soooo blessed by your blog. thank you so much, and i donno ur name .. i just wanna make friends with u .. ur blog has a great impact. how can i know u ? do u have msn messenger or email address ? give me ok ?
Hi new breed. I'll be happy to visit yur blog if you enable your profile. At the moment it's blocked.
Josiah said…
u can visit my blog already. do u have msn ? or ym ?
Josiah said…
chey mike .. do u have any messenger ? hope to know u more ..
inspired said…
like this mike great little photo to add to the picture story ;]
TMM said…
Wow...I never knew that about Hermit Crabs! =)

I find it interesting that the Lord commands the barren woman to shout for joy and burst into song...and tells her that she'd have more children that a woman who is not barren. The Lord goes onto say that He'll enlarge our tents. But the key to both these is again to joy in Him while in barrenness. [Ref. Isaiah 54:1-2]
Shosannah said…
I love this post and absolutly agree with Sidharths comments.
We have to come out of our own shells in order to follow Gods plan and purpose for our lives.
God Bless
Susan said…
I did not know this about the crab but I love your analogy!!

The Lord had us change churches last year. It was HARD....we, in the naturally, did not want to do it and keep thinking "No, we can't be truly hearing God about this." Finally, on December 23rd, a Wednesday night, we walked into the church where we now attend. We KNEW the minute we walked in during the worship service we were in the right place. EVERY service I walk out of there and say "I LOVE this church". I know we would be growing dry and brittle had we not been willing to make that very uncomfortable move out of our "shell"!!
Steve Buser said…
He looks like he should be in a Walt Disney movie.

--steve buser
New Orleans Daily Photo
Lance said…
We are like the hermit crab and like babes in Christ. Outgrowing where we are spiritually in our walk. We as Christians need to keep maturing with Christ.
I love your blog.
Let me know if you would like to exchange links. I want my readers to see your blog.
Janice said…
What an encouraging little mini sermon, thank you! If others are like me, it's probably not a topic we think of too often, but should do so daily! A very inspirational blog!
Pijush said…
Excellent stuff. Nice Focus with wonderful compostion.
Cuckoo said…
Wow ! I never knew that about Hermit Crabs !

Nice info and awesome shot. Look at the eyes !
Anonymous said…
I really enjoyed reading your blog! God Bless!