Share Your Faith

Conversation, originally uploaded by bokchoyboy.

Then I will teach transgressors your ways, and sinners will turn back to you.
Psalm 51:13

Roger Simms was hitchhiking home when he was picked up by Mr. Hanover. As they drove towards Chicago, Roger felt God urging him to share his faith. When he overcame his fear and asked the man if he would like to receive Christ, Mr. Hanover stopped, bowed his head on the steering wheel, began to cry, and accepted Christ. 'This is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me,' he said. Shortly afterwards he dropped Roger at his house and went on to Chicago, which was about an hour down the road. Years later, while preparing for a business trip to Chicago, Roger came across the gold-embossed business card Mr. Hanover had given him years earlier. When he arrived in Chicago he decided to look up Hanover Enterprises and found it located in a skyscraper down town. When he asked the receptionist if he could see Mr. Hanover, she said, 'No, but his wife is here.' 'You knew my husband?' the woman in her 50s asked. Roger explained that her husband had given him a ride and how he'd led him to Christ. 'When was that?' she asked. 'May 7th, five years ago, the day I was discharged from the army.' She began to sob. After several minutes she regained control and said, 'I prayed for my husband's salvation for years, believing God would save him. But right after he let you out of his car, on May 7th, he was killed in a head-on collision. I thought God had not answered my prayer, and I stopped living for Him five years ago.' That day she recommitted her life to Christ. Share your faith, somebody needs it!

Excerpt from UCB Word for Today. Free issues are available here.


TMM said…
You have such apt pictures with your blog...the pictures that you post along with the content play a big role...I'm sure it takes much time to get these pictures. Good job! =)
Thank you Sidarth. Doesn't actually take so long. Flickr is a great resource and I pray for God to lead me every time I compose. Glad you like it.
Shosannah said…
I agree that the pictures you choose really illustrate your words perfectly.
A beautiful post :0)
inspired said…
Amazing.. but so is our God.. that you have an UCB/Word for Today except posted and we posted News of UCB/Uk DAB radio on The Y I Crew ;]