Proverbs 3:5 John 5:39
The Internet is a wonderful place for airing one's views and opinions, for entering into discussion over a multitude of subjects. Blogs and forums provide a place to go deep into scripture and extract meaning and purpose for our busy and sometimes confusing lives. There are many viewpoints and takes on a host of subjects. Sometimes as Christians we agree, and often we don't.
God speaks to us through His Word and there is a time for study, a vital part of our discipleship, but when we come to the end of our limited and flawed understanding, we must return to what is the most important. JESUS. He is the most vital ingredient of our spiritual lives. We may study the Bible until we can recite endless scriptures and doctrines, but this does not bring us to eternal life. There is only one place where we may find that. That place is a real person. Jesus. He is here. He is a breath away. He does not wait for us to get our theology right. He is ready now to accept us and all our limitations because He is love. Unending, forgiving and all encompassing. Complete love.
I have encountered so many who think they Have to "understand more" or "clean up" just to begin to follow Jesus. Your words, "He does not wait for us to get our theology right. He is ready now to accept us and all our limitations because He is love. Unending, forgiving and all encompassing. Complete love." are so right on.
And thanks also for your continuing encouragement at my blog - I do appreciate it!