Getting Serious About God

‘The believers met together in the Temple every day…’

a group of people with hands joinedIt’s estimated that there are over half a billion practising Christians in the world. But the church wouldn’t even exist today if it hadn’t been for a small group of disciples who were sold on Christ. The things of God were not a part-time interest or a convenience-based commitment to those early Christians but their highest priority. If you want to be serious about God, stop and reflect on what they took seriously. They took church seriously. ‘The believers met together in the Temple every day.’ 

Question: Are you a hit-and-miss churchgoer? Do you get upset if the service exceeds an hour or the minister takes an extra ten minutes? Is once-a-week your limit? Not for these New Testament Christians! So what drew them? The temple’s orchestra and choir? Cutting-edge media or youth programmes? Did they have more time and less responsibility than we have? No, everything about their life was harder, took longer, and was less convenient. Yet their encounter with Jesus so transformed their priorities that, ‘Every day they continued to meet…’ (v. 46 NIV). They hungered to gather in the presence of the Lord, believing His promise, ‘Where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them’ (Matthew 18:20 NLT). Taking God seriously requires regular involvement with other Christians, experiencing this unique aspect of His presence, hearing His Word together, and encouraging one another (Hebrews 10:25). You need that special dimension of fellowship with God that happens only when His family gathers together with Him.

Used with permission from UCB Word for Today. Free issues are available here for the UK and Republic of Ireland.


Steve said…
Not many of us nowadays are as enthusiastic about meeting with God as those early Christians......
Steve said…
Not many of us nowadays are as enthusiastic about meeting with God as those early Christians......
duopastorale said…
Many are, and passion for God is growing. Until the church is seeking God with everything we will not see what we see in the book of Acts.

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