Vicar Of Baghdad

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On Sunday evening I was blessed to be able to hear Canon Andrew White interviewed by Nicky Gumbel at Holy Trinity Brompton. Such an amazing inspiration! A man of courage, guts and awesome faith, in a dangerous place. He talks of amazing suffering, angelic visions, healings, 1000's attending Alpha.

What really struck me was his joy! Last year almost 100 people in his congregation were killed. 11 Muslims were converted to Christ and came to him to be baptised. Within 2 weeks they were dead. His church was bombed causing terrible damage. He serves God whilst battling with debilitating MS. And yet he inspired us with his determination to serve Jesus and show nothing but love. When asked what we could pray for, he did not ask for prayers of protection but that the love in his congregation would grow. Awesome!

Watch the interview and be encouraged!

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Abbey's Road said…
Amen! God uses each of us for a special purpose, and if it is for Canon Andrew White to touch the souls of many, he is succeeding. He must be an awesome individual and you are fortunte to have witnessed him, personally.

Pietro Brosio said…
It's wonderful he did not ask for prayers of protection but of love in his congregation: this is so uplifting.
God be praised!!! Saints among us! Cathy
duopastorale said…
Yes Cathy, my exact thoughts!
Steve said…
Amazing man I know. He's been on tv. His story is amazing.
kc bob said…
What an amazing man! Thanks Mike for sharing. My wife and and watched the video.. especially meaningful to Ann as she has a more severe form of MS.
kc bob said…
And I have met Nicky a few times at Alpha conferences. Do you know if he is the pastor at HTB now or just on the pastoral staff?
duopastorale said…
Hi Bob, so glad you enjoyed the video! Nicky has been vicar at HTB for a few years now, taking over from Sandy Millar. It's a very special place.
kc bob said…
I remember Sandy. Back in 1998 I traded emails with a person at HTB about an IT position at the church after I had a dream about living in London. Didn't work out but I think HTB is a great place and probably even better with Nicky!
duopastorale said…
Wow that's amazing! Sandy is a bishop now :)

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