Grace & Beer

OLD BEERImage by defekto via Flickr

God's law was given so that all people could see how sinful they were. But as people sinned more and more, God's wonderful grace became more abundant.
Romans 5:20

I came across this post at Rebel God which I found shocking at first, but have been thinking on it... I certainly don't condone sinning in order to increase grace, or indeed putting God to the test when He has shown us how serious sin is (not that I think drinking alcohol is a sin!), but how often do I let satan put me down because I have not lived up to that perfect holiness, and how many times do I mistakenly think that I have done rather well and am not really in need of much forgiveness today thank you! I would love to hear your thoughts...

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Abbey's Road said…
Best to not allow satan to become a part of the rationality of being less sinful "today" or sinning under the guise of protesting against satan. We are sinners. We always have been and always will be. Once resigned to that, and also that our God is a loving and forgiving God, all one need do is follow Him. The road is not difficult with Him as your guide.
Pietro Brosio said…
I fully agree with Abbey. We are sinners. And we are weak too. But in Jesus Christ surely we find the help, the strength, the light.
Anonymous said…
I don't agree with Luther (or this "sound bite" of his thoughts), which suggests that the "vexing thoughts" of the devil be thrown off with frivolity. I am all for frivolity...and beer, too. But, when Jesus was tempted in the wilderness, he responded with the truth, the truth of who he was, the truth of scripture, and the truth of God's goodness in spite of the challenging circumstances. He saved the frivolity for the wedding at Cana, but even that was an expression of God's extravagance...

Falling, failing, and giving in to temptation seems to sting so badly because we fall prey to the "truth" (aka the lies) that Satan wants us to believe and then we stay there. We stay in sin city and bathe in the muck of untruths about who we are, about God's words, and his goodness. The sooner we get out of there, the better!
duopastorale said…
Wonderful comments, thank you!!

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