
IntuitionImage by lepiaf.geo via Flickr

Then Abraham prayed to God,
and God healed...
Genesis 20:17

After my previous post about witnessing amazing healings in Oxford, I thought I'd share a few sound bites from Mark Marx's seminar. They are simply scribbles from my notebook so please take or leave them. By the way, my friend R whose leg was lengthened during healing prayer, has experienced continuing improvement with her back pain. Praise God!

1. The Kingdom of God goes wherever you go.
2. We are handicapped in the West because of what we have been taught about the Kingdom.
3. Exercise authority!
4. When Jesus and his disciples prayed for healing, they never prayed petitionary prayers. They commanded healing and drove out spirits with a word. Asking God to do it is like asking the boss to do a job he's already told you to do yourself!
5. Always begin prayer for healing with affirmation of God's love.
6. No one sickness is more difficult than another.
7. You can hinder what God is doing by believing the opposite.
8. In the Kingdom of God, nothing is impossible.
9. Even Jesus was unable to do many healings in Nazareth because of the unbelief.
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Pietro Brosio said…
It's so true: nothing is impossible for God.
photowannabe said…
Amen and amen. I am so encouraged to read about a church that is alive in the London area. Our Pastor, along with some other pastors,is going to London on Thursday and will be conducting a series of meetings and seminars for Pastors to encourage them and help their churches to Thrive. It would be neat if they were going to yours. I'm sorry I don't know their agenda.

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