A New Name

White stonesImage by geishaboy500 via Flickr

To him who overcomes, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give him a white stone with a new name written on it,
known only to him who receives it.
Revelation 2:17

For eleven years now, I have carried around a little white stone in my pocket, along with my loose change. Every time I dig around in my pocket I am reminded of what God thinks of me. In 1998 God brought me this verse from Revelation and also one from Isaiah 62:2, "...you will be called by a new name that the mouth of the LORD will bestow." With these verses He spoke a new name to me. The name that He gave me would probably make my friends laugh, because it is something that I am struggling to become. And yet, that is what I am and am becoming. That little stone reminds me that God sees me in Christ, and that in Him I have unlimited potential!

Has God given you a new name? Ask Him today what it is. You might find yourself surprised at what He says.

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Pietro Brosio said…
Without Christ we would be so weak!
Christ gives us the spiritual (and also physical, why not) strength against evil.
Angie said…
I love your idea. How special. I have often wondered what my new name would be and always figured I would have to wait for Heaven to know. So thankful that He makes all things new! If you knew me before I met Jesus, you would agree that it is very true.
Britt-Arnhild said…
Hm.....I wonder.....
Steve said…
I'm very tempted to propose something preposterous, or just plain amusing. What a secret to keep from one's friends!
Anonymous said…
I love it! :) How cool.
Barbara said…
Brilliant Mike.
Liked the Star and Garter home too with the river scene.
Quite a bit to catch up with in your latest posts.
Yes Chingford is not too far from us.
Gudl said…
Now you make me curious!!
deenar said…
We are a new creation by the grace of God.I wonder what name the Lord has christened me!I would tell you, why the secret Mike? I too carry a little stone in my bag since 1999.
duopastorale said…
Deena, it says known only to him who receives it. My life should tell you, that is the challenge. Glad you like the new look :)

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