Spirit Signals

Traffic Lights (long exposure)Image by Roo Reynolds via Flickr

The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit...
1 Corinthians 2:14

Paul says: 'The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit...they are foolishness to him...because they are spiritually discerned.' Pastor Jon Walker writes: 'Spirit warnings alert you to impending danger. A friend of mine was driving towards a green light when he was strongly prompted to hit his brakes. As he did so a truck ran a red light. Had it not been for my friend's instant obedience he'd probably have been killed. Spirit 'stop signs' red-flag you not to go somewhere. A dog I owned...was used to being on a lead and when I took him to a neighbour's field to run, I'd simply say "No" when he approached a place he shouldn't go. He'd done nothing wrong, and my warning wasn't a rebuke; it was a caution for his own protection. Spirit timing is God telling you the time is not right. In university I planned to buy a computer through a discount programme. When I turned in my paperwork, however, they told me it had been discontinued. I was very angry at God. Two months later the university reopened the programme [offering] upgraded models bundled with software that cost extra two months ago; the whole package was cheaper than the previous one...Turns out God knows what he's doing!'

Be sensitive to Spirit signals. Trust God's Spirit to guide you in the decisions and details of your life. Keep a list of the times He has prompted you; it'll sensitise you and strengthen your resolve to obey. Remember, God's promptings always line up with His Word; even when they don't line up with your ideas.

Used with permission from UCB Word for Today. Free issues are available here for the UK and Republic of Ireland.

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Britt-Arnhild said…
We should all be more aware.
Angie said…
Yes, Lord, give us eyes to see and ears to hear.
Pietro Brosio said…
God's promptings always line up with His Word; even when they don't line up with your ideas.Very true words.
tony.unwin said…
indeed seeing the signs and understanding them is the trick... thank you for reminding me to look...
TMM said…
I need Spirit signals more and more. Thank You, HS, for guiding me!
Steve said…
Another excellent word. I've had occasional spiritual warnings myself and occasionally had promptings to pray for or write to people though I've found it difficult to obey in faith unfortunately.Fear has frequently stopped me.

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