Deep Peace

Gaelic Blessing - John Rutter

I'm in the middle of a very busy period in the school year and the light at the end of the tunnel is still a long way off. At such times it becomes increasingly difficult to stop and wind down. Yesterday I visited Suzy at Sailing By Starlight and came across this lovely blessing which John Rutter has set so perfectly. It ministers peace... May you know His peace today and always. Have a great Sunday!


What a wonderful way to bring doen our your heart rate and rest in the arms of the Almighty!!! Thank you!!!!! Cathy
Gudl said…
Very nice!
I hope you had a nice Sunday.
Lance said…
Good luck with school, my friend.
God will bless you in the long run.
zakscloset said…
i can definitely relate to that! the youtube clip is so awesome!
Steve said…
Lovely meditation.

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