White As Snow

vancouver snow, originally uploaded by .mused.

I have seen his ways, but I will heal him.
Isa. 57:18

My child, I know all about your sinful ways, but I will heal you. I want you to know my comfort and guidance. Isa.57:18. I have searched you, and I know you. I see your every move. When you get up from this seat I know exactly what you will do and what you will say, Ps.139:1-3. I know all about those secret sins that no-one else would believe, Ps.90:8, and I still forgive you!

Just stop for a moment and reflect on this: As soon as you confessed your sin I forgave you. 1 Jn.1:8-9. In fact, since you confessed my child, I have completely forgotten what that sin was. Heb.8:12. Your scarlet sins have turned to the colour of snow because I have found a ransom for you. Job 33:24. My precious Son Jesus has paid the price for your sins. Isa.53:5, and I have sent him to heal your broken heart. Isa.61:1. Yes my child, I have seen it all; the tears, frustration and brokenness, and then your repentance and faith. And your faith has released my forgiveness and healing Mk.5:34. I want you to go into this day with peace and to be freed from your suffering. You are totally forgiven! Ps.103:12.


Gudl said…
That is so awesome!
God is so good.
Thanks for the reminder.
inspired said…
yes powerful message here Mike :]
michaelonbass said…
Amen. That's grace!
Angie said…
To think we will have all eternity to thank Him! You don't know all that He's forgiven me of. Thank You Lord. Thank You Jesus!
Shosannah said…
What a beautiful picture to go with such comforting words:0)
Lance said…
Everytime I come back to your blog I find something new for me to think about.
Thank you for the inspiration.
God bless.
PS. If you don't mind list me on your blog list.
Do you work in the ministry, my brother in Christ?
Isadora said…
:) Talk about mercy - seeing our ways, He is still willing to heal us. Thank God He wanted even me among His children.
What wisdom has been shown in this reflection. What love and generosity we have in our God. All Praise and Thanksgiving to him who made us!!Thanks be to God.
Andrea said…
Very powerful message. And the picture is beautiful.
Suz. said…
That really is something to sing and dance about! These words are true, and the experience of his grace is real. Peace.

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