Seek The Lord

020807ParhamHouse22, originally uploaded by duopastorale.

Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation.
Isa. 55:6 2Cor. 6:2

God is so gracious to give us today. Today is the the day to seek Him. Now is the time to turn towards Him and let Him into our lives. God is always willing to receive us, no matter what we might have done, or not done. We might want to wait till tomorrow, when we have time, or we feel a little more inclined, and it is true that God will also be ready and waiting for us then, whenever we choose. But choose now. Choose today. For today is real; we have it in our grasp. Tomorrow is an unknown.


Shosannah said…
"Let your life become a living prayer" I love this quote and your post remnds me of it. Choosing god every step of the way not just at certain moments helps us achieve this.
Hope you had a great weekend Mike.
Suzy :0)
Anonymous said…
Mike that's so true. Thank you for reminding us that today is the day that we should make the most of and use to God's glory. That verse sure tugs at one's heartstrings.
myonlyphoto said…
Mike, I really like the photo, such a nice composition, and the post. anna :)
Oh yes I do believe that our God is a God of mercy and of compassion and also a Consuming Fire.
let us seek Him while he is near and when He can be found today thanks for this post Mike


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