
I want to get lost, originally uploaded by Xabier.M.

"I am with you always"
Matthew 26:20

I was thinking on this verse this morning in my prayer time and it struck me with new force. I particularly noticed the word always like never before. There are so many scriptures in the Bible that I take for granted. I think that I believe them but I'm not sure that I live as if I do. God is with me, always. Always. That's when I feel him close and when I am overcome with guilt about failing him. I wonder how it could transform a life, to really believe with all one's heart that God is here?. Always.


Anonymous said…
Such a compelling &comforting thought:our ever-lovingFather beside us all the way. Also,not to be taken lightly .There is no place we can escape to or hide..
Shosannah said…
It is both incredibly overwhelming and wonderfully comforting to know that God is indeed "always" with us.
A lovely post :)