Our Father

I was blown away by this video! It seems to me that God is drawing the church into greater depths of intimacy in worship. Everywhere I go I hear the emphasis on 'Presence'. I believe that God is is calling us to forget our tried and trusted ways of doing church, to strip away everything, and get on our knees and seek Him and Him alone, until He comes with His manifest Presence. That is our destination and our home, and that is where we will find strength, vision and power to do the Kingdom stuff. Over the last year I have been experiencing a consistent power and glory in worship before Him and I know that I am now ruined for anything else! My cry is for the church to come into that which should be 'normal' ie displaying the glory of God! His power, healing, mercy, deliverance, love, forgiveness, transformation. Anything less is not the true gospel at all. Come Lord Jesus!!


Diana said…
I have followed your blog for a couple of years now, and love to find the treasures from the Lord on it. I want to thank you for exposing me to iBethel and Bill Johnson's ministry. I have been so incredibly blessed through it.
Blessings and ten thousand beside.
duopastorale said…
Thank you Diana. That is most encouraging to hear! Blessings to you too as you go deeper into Jesus :)
Covnitkepr1 said…
Indeed...He is worthy to be praised. Thanks for sharing.
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